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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits of enrolling my son in an all-boys’ school?
    Boy-Centric Teaching (BCT) BCT strategies are woven into our Instructional Prgramme (IP) and Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Programme. Teachers are equipped with skllls to deliver quality instructional programme with an understanding of what BCT entails. They seek to understand how boys learn and craft lessons based on this understanding.
  • What are the school fees like?
    The 2023 school fees are as follows: Singapore Citizen - $25/month PR - $520/month International Students (ASEAN) - $930/month International Students (Others) - $1,790/month
  • What is the school's Achievement Level Cut-off Point or AL (COP)?
    The indicative AL (Achievement Level) COPs (Cut-off Point) were generated using simulations based on the PSLE Scores and school choice patterns of the previous PSLE cohort. Meeting the school's indicative AL COP does not guarantee admission into the secondary school. The eventual PSLE Score ranges for this year's S1 Posting will depend on this year's P6 students' PSLE Scores and their school choices. The Indicative PSLE Score ranges of 2022 PSLE students posted to Montfort Secondary in 2023 are: Express: 15-21 (Affiliation: 14-22) Normal (Academic): 22-25 (Affiliation: 23-25) Normal (Technical): 26-29 (Affiliation: 26-26)
  • Can I still apply to enrol in Montfort if my son did not meet the school’s cut-off point?
    MOE will consider appeals for school transfer only for students with serious medical conditions and severe physical impairments. If you are seeking a transfer due to reasons other than the ones stated above, please contact the school on the appeal process. Your child's PSLE Score should meet the school's cut-off point of the posting year. Transfer will be subject to available vacancies and meeting the school's admission criteria. You may wish to consider the schools holistically, based on the suitability of the learning environment given your child’s learning needs and interests.
  • Is there an affiliation priority for students from Montfort Junior School?
    Yes. For students seeking to enter via affiliation priority, they have to: be eligible for the stipulated stream put Montfort Secondary as the first choice
  • I am an alumnus of the school. Would my son have priority enrolling in Montfort Secondary?
    No, there is no priority given. Posting to secondary school will still be based on academic merit.
  • What are the school hours for students?
    Information is updated as of Term 4, 2023. Reporting Time: Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. CCA timings Dependent on CCA training days.
  • What will be the subjects available for Secondary 3 students in 2024?
    All Secondary 3 students will take English Language, Mother Tongue Language and Mathematics. Under Full SBB, eligible students will have the flexibility to take subjects at different subject levels depending on their subject-specific strengths and learning needs, and have access to a wider range of subject offerings and programmes. *The availability of vacancies for each subject is subjected to school resources. Information is updated as of Term 3, 2023.
  • My son is very interested in Robotics. Does the school have robotics programmes to nurture his interests?
    ALP for lower secondary students Our school's ALP (Applied Learning Programme) in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is taught to all lower secondary students. Our ALP in Information Systems Technology & Design aims to provide our students with foundational skills, such as coding. It provides opportunities for experimentation, self-discovery and joy of learning. The curriculum covers robotics, smart home automation, microcontrollers, Cloud Computing, coding, electronics, etc. Elements of Making Interested students can be supported by the Maker Club, where workshops are conducted on a termly basis. These include 3D printing, Laser Cutting, Cardboack modelling. Computing at Upper Secondary Computing is offered as an O Level subject.
  • How does the school monitor students' progress?
    We believe in beginning with the end in mind. Students will do an academic and character target setting at the start of the year. The teachers will review the targets with them termly. Class Mentors will communicate with subject teachers to gather feedback. They will also have conversations regularly with the students individually or at class level to guide them on steps to move forward.
  • What does FSBB stand for?
    Full Subject-Based Banding
  • What is Full Subject Based Banding (Full SBB/ FSBB)?
    Starting from 2024, the Express, N(A) and N(T) streams will be removed. Students will be posted to secondary schools through three Posting Groups – Posting Groups 1, 2, and 3. The PSLE score ranges for the three Posting Groups will be mapped from the existing N(T), N(A) and Express streams respectively. Posting Groups will only be used for the purposes of admitting students into secondary school and to guide the initial subject levels students can offer at the start of Secondary One. Under Full SBB, students will be placed in form classes with a mix of students from different Posting Groups. In their mixed form classes, all students from Secondary One will take a set of subjects at a common level, regardless of their Posting Groups. At the start of Secondary One, all students can offer English Language, Mother Tongue Languages, Mathematics and Science at a more demanding level based on their PSLE Achievement Level (AL) for each subject. Beyond the start of Secondary One, students may also offer these subjects at a more demanding level based on their performance in secondary school. From Secondary Two, students will also be able to offer Humanities subjects (Geography, History, and Literature in English) at a more demanding level. The criteria for taking Humanities at a more demanding level will be based on students' aptitude for and interest in these subjects at Secondary One. Information taken from MOE website:
  • How would Full SBB affect my son?
    In mixed form classes, students will have more opportunities to interact with other students taking different subject combinations, and with different strengths and interests. With a more customised learning experience according to the students' subject-specific strengths and interests, students will be empowered to take greater ownership of their learning. Adapted from MOE website:
  • What are the CCA achievements?
    CCA Achievements NCC Best Unit Proficiency Award - Distinction NCDCC Best Unit Proficiency Award - Distinction NPCC Best Unit Proficiency Award - Distinction Scouts Frank Cooper Sands Award - Gold Badminton North Zone Inter-School Badminton Competition C Division Boys - North Zone - 2nd Place B Division Boys - North Zone - 2nd Place Football National Inter-School Tournament: Quarter Finals for League One Championship (Nationals Top 8) National Inter-School Tournament: 2nd Placing for League Two Championships School Football Academy Fiesta Cup 2023 Championships League One - 4th Place Wushu NSG Group Quan Championship 2023 - Group routine awarded 8.26/10. Team ranked 11th out of 19 participating schools Chorale Singapore Youth Festival - Accomplishment Drama Club Singapore Youth Festival - Commendation Military Band Singapore Youth Festival - Distinction IDMA (Info Comm) St. Gabriel’s eSport Fiesta - 1st Place Maker Club Singapore Poly Engineering Challenge - Commendation Award External CCA National Inter-School Canoeing Competition 2023- B Division Boys K1- 500m Event - 4th Place K1- 1000m Event - 3rd Place Taekwando 2023 Joint 3rd Place for National Inter-School Tournament 2023, C Division Kyorugi (U-34kg)
  • How should my son decide which CCA to join?
    Students should consider the following when choosing a CCA: Natural Talent/ Inclination/ Strengths Passion and Interest Reality Remembering what CCA is about- lifelong friends, sense of belonging, lifeskills, values and character building A CCA experience programme will be conducted in the beginning of the year for Secondary 1 students to experience various CCAs and make informed decisions.
  • How are CCAs allocated to the students?
    CCA allocation is based primarily on students' choices and CCA quota. The quota is set after taking into account the resources needed and number of members required for each CCA to run efficiently and effectively.
  • My son was part of the school team in primary school. Will he naturally qualify for the school team In Montfort and represent the school in competitions?
    Students will have to undergo a selection process before they are admitted to the CCA of their choice. Students who are selected to represent the school will be chosen based on their commitment, dedication and performance in training/friendlies and intermediate competitions.
  • Can my son participate in more than one CCA?
    Yes. However, parents should consider the holistic development of the child and his various commitments when making decisions about CCA choices. Do note the following: CCA participation and achievement points are calculated based on the LEAPS system. Students are strongly encouraged to participate fully in their CCA and commit to the trainings and events for 4-5 years to get the maximum participation points. CCA trainings can get increasingly demanding when students take up more responsibilities within the CCA.
  • Can my son change his CCA?
    Yes, it is possible for students to change CCA but they may not get the maximum bonus CCA points at the end of 4 or 5 years in school. A student must have at least 75% attendance for the year and sustained engagement in a CCA for 2 to 5 years to be awarded at least Level 1 for participation. A student will be awarded levels 4-5 for participation if they have continuous involvement in the same CCA for 4 or 5 years. It is recommended that a student follows through with his CCA for 4 years.
  • What are some programmes available for Catholic students?
    Our school starts each day with morning reflections and prayers. The Angelus is played in the middle of the day. Catholic students will attend Faith formation sessons - twice a term. First Friday mass is held in the school chapel. CCE lessons are customised to include the Montfort Stories and Catholic values. Masses that are aligned to the Catholic calendar are conducted with the Gabrielite Schools.
  • Are there programmes to help students develop in their leadership skills in Montfort?
    Yes. One of our core beliefs is every Montfortian is a leader. Students can also take up leadership roles in their class committee, CCA and Student Council. A wide range of programmes is available for students to apply their leadership skills: VIA programmes, LLP, Outdoor experience programmes, CCA, school events, and class projects and responsibilities. Students can also take up leadership roles in their class committee, CCA and Student Council.
  • How does the school ignite the joy of learning in the boys?
    Secondary 1 to 5 students do not have mid-year examinations. There is also a shift in weighted assessments from pen and paper assessments to alternative assessments like projects and artefacts making. Teachers employ Boy Centric Teaching and teach in a way students learn best.
  • What is the school's discipline policy?
    Our school takes discipline seriously. We discipline our students to educate and correct, not to hurt and humiliate. Disciplinary measures serve as a proxy for consequences of the poor choices made. Caning is one of the disciplinary consequences which we mete out, but only when necessary and is only reserved for very serious offences.
  • How do parents receive updates on the progress of their child/children?
    Parents Gateway The official platform for communication of key events or activities is via Parents Gateway. Email At the start of the school year, Class Mentors will send out a welcome letter to parents which will include the email addresses of all subject teachers. Progress reports Progress reports will be given to the students termly. Parents-Teachers Meeting A Parents-Teachers Meeting will be conducted at the end of each semester.
  • I have been a parent volunteer in my son’s primary school. Can I continue to be a volunteer in Montfort Secondary?
    All parents are welcomed to join the Parent Support Group.
  • What are the Parent Support Group (PSG) activities in the school?
    Members of the PSG volunteer and participate in celebratory school events such as Chinese New Year Celebrations, Founder's Day, Teacher's Day Celebrations and St Gabriel's Foundation Flag Day. Parent-Child bonding activities are organised once a year. Members of PSG may be invited to share their parenting journey in the Parents Symposium and share their skills and expertise in Educational and Career Guidance talks for students.
  • How do I join the Parent Support Group (PSG?​​​​​​)​
    In January, an invitation will be sent to parents to join the PSG. Interested parents can sign up via a registration link.
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